

The Securities and Exchange Commission classifies penny stocks as “low-priced (below $5), speculative securities of very small companies”, and they are traded on NASDAQ and NYSE exchanges + over the counter (OTC) through quotation services such as the Pink Sheets or the OTC Bulletin Board.
Online brokerage firms such as Scottrade®, E-Trade®, TD Ameritrade, TradeStation®, and Speedtrader® will allow you to purchase penny stocks. RobinHood will not allow you to buy many Pink Sheet or OTCQB listed penny stocks.
Penny Stocks are, in most cases, overlooked by traditional stock brokers who do not follow a specific stock unless it is trading above a predetermined limit (typically around $2.00 – $3.00). Penny Stocks can be securities of small companies with big potential for growth and can, therefore, pay premium returns to those who buy in before the price rises.
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All investments involve risk and you should always consult with your registered investment advisor or stockbroker when considering investment opportunities. While considered more speculative than other investments, penny stocks also provide the opportunity for substantial returns.
We alert our subscribers to fully-reporting and current penny stock companies, listed on the NASDAQ, OTCQB, NYSE, and AMEX, that we believe have both short- and long-term potential. Some of the things we look for in companies are: an experienced and proven management team, products and/or services with great potential, growth sector, existing clients or contracts, proven track record and more…
We are at times compensated for alerting our members to a certain company. However, we turn down the majority of the companies that approach us and we will only accept compensation from a company that we have researched and believe will provide our members with substantial opportunities for both the short-and long-term. If we do accept compensation for an alert, as required by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), we will disclose who paid us, the amount, and the type of payment in our email and/or website disclaimer.
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